Hocking College Test Center

Welcome, to the Hocking College Testing Center!

Hocking College Testing Center 
Davidson Hall, DVD 108

Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. — 5 p.m.*

*Please note that test takers must arrive by 4 p.m. to be eligible to test that day. We urge students to allow sufficient time to complete their test or examination by 5 p.m. For math tests and examinations, any test items that are not completed are counted as incorrect. This is true for tests and examinations for most other subjects as well. 


Roger Barrows
Test Proctor

General Rules for the Test Center

  • You must provide a valid photo ID (i.e. driver's license, student ID, passport) to take a test or examination
  • Testers taking any test on a computer or online must know their login credentials.
  • If you're taking a test or examination for a Hocking College course, you must know your instructor's name, course name, course number, and the test name/number.
  • You are not allowed to use your personal laptop, tablet, iPod, camera, cell phone, smart phone, or other electronic devices in the Testing Center.
  • You may use a calculator unless its use is prohibited by your instructor, the testing service, or the organization. You MAY NOT use a cell phone as your calculator. If you are permitted to use a calculator and do not have one, you may borrow a calculator from the test proctor.
  • You may not use your book, notes, or any tables unless use of the item(s) is approved in advance in writing by your instructor, is permitted by department policy, or is permitted by the testing service or organization.
  • If you're taking an online test or examination, you are not permitted to open any website other than the website that contains the test unless use of the website is approved in advance in writing by your instructor, is established by department policy, or is permitted by the testing service or organization.
  • Backpacks, purses, or other personal items are not permitted on the desk top or computer table during testing.
  • Children are not permitted in the Testing Center and may not be left unattended while at the college.
  • No food or drink is permitted in the Testing Center.
  • Headphones are permitted ONLY if they are required for testing.
  • If your instructor or a testing service has placed a time limit on your test or examination, it's your responsibility to monitor your time. The test proctor will record your start and finish time, but will not track your time during testing.
  • Scrap paper will be provided by the test proctor. All scrap paper must be returned to the test proctor.
  • All tests or examinations must be finished in one sitting.
  • Please use the restroom before or after your test. If it is necessary that you use the restroom during a test, you must obtain proctor approval before leaving the Testing Center.
  • The Testing Center does not grade tests or examinations. You must see your instructor to learn about your results.
  • Please take all of your personal items with you when you leave the Testing Center. The Testing Center is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.


The Testing Center recommends that you read all directions and instructions prior to starting your test. 

If you are taking a make up test or any test that has a due date or completion date, then we urge you not to wait until the due date for your test or examination. There are peak testing days and periods, and there may be a waiting line so you may not be able to test at your chosen time.

Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Accessibility  Resource Center (Disability Services) located in Davidson Hall (Room 114) can make special testing accommodations for students with disabilities or learning difficulties. 

Please contact at (740) 753-7103 or at (740) 753-7104.

Hocking College Testing Center

 Student Misconduct

As always, students are expected to follow the Hocking College Student Code of Conduct. Engaging in any of the below misconduct will cause you to be ordered to leave the Testing Center and may result in a failing test grade or other further disciplinary action:

  • Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance of any kind.
  • Using any aids (books, notes, calculators, websites, etc.) that are not authorized in advance in writing by your instructor or established by departmental policy.
  • Using a cell phone for any purpose.
  • Using any website other than the website containing your test.
  • Attempting to take an examination for someone else.
  • Failing to follow the instructions of the test proctor.
  • Causing a disturbance of any kind.
  • Removing or attempting to remove questions, responses, or notes (in any format) from the Testing Center.
  • Attempting to remove scrap paper from the Testing Center.
  • Tampering with the operation of the computer, or attempting to use it for any function other than taking your test.
  • Showing your test, examination, or scrap paper to another test taker.
  • Sharing a calculator with another test taker.
  • Talking with another test taker during a test or examination.

Testing Center FAQs for Faculty

  • What contact information do I need to include?
    Please include your office phone number and e-mail address. In the event that a student encounters a problem or an issue arises that requires your attention, the test proctor will attempt to contact you immediately. Please provide the names of all students eligible to take the test or examination. You must either provide a roster or write the name of each eligible student on his or her test or examination.
  • What does my student need in order to be eligible to test?
    Please inform or remind your students that a photo ID (such as a driver’s license, Hocking College student ID, passport, etc.) is required. Please inform or remind them that they need to know your name, the course name, course number, and the test name/number. 
  • Do I need to specify if the test or examination is timed or not?
    Yes, please specify whether the test or examination is timed or untimed. If the test or examination is timed, please specify the time limit in minutes or hours. If the test or examination is timed, the proctor will not allow a student to begin the test or examination if the time until closing (5 p.m.) is less than the time limit for the test.

  • What time does the test center close?
    The Testing Center closes at 5 p.m. Please advise your students that all tests are collected at 5 p.m.

  • What is the last start time for the test day?
    The latest time a student may begin a test or examination is 4 p.m.

  • Do I need to specify what items the student can use during the test or exam? 
    Yes, please make sure that you specify what items the student may use during the test. If you tell students that they are permitted to use a textbook, note cards, calculator, scrap paper, etc. but it is not listed on the test or on your roster, the students will not be permitted to use the item(s).

  • Do I need to specify a due dates or deadline?
    Yes, please specify the due date or deadline for the test or examination. Please advise your students not to wait until the due date or deadline. There are peak testing days and periods, so there may be a waiting line and the student may not be able to test at that time.

  • What supplies do I need to provide the Testing Center with?
    Please make sure that you provide enough exams, answer sheets, blue books, scantron forms, etc.
  • What are the rules regarding test pick-up & delivery?
    You or someone that you authorize must carry all tests and supplementary materials to and from the Testing Center. The Testing Center does not provide pick-up or delivery service.

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